Sofia and I flew to California on 5 February to visit Grandma and Grandpa Fryer and so Sofia could meet friends and family who were able to swing by Grandma's house. The 51/2 hour flight went really well (we flew first class using American miles, which was a huge benefit), and were told by the row of people around that Sofia was the best baby they had all ever traveled with! I must admit she did very well and slept through a good portion of it, and played quietly through the rest. We spent 8 days at Grandma and Grandpa Fryers and enjoyed visiting with Kris, Nina, Sian and her girls, Chuck, Carrie and her kids, Uncle Dennis, Aunt Kathleen, cousins Melissa and Fabian, Aunt Rebecca, nearly the entire Fryer clan, and Great Grandma Marrieta. Oh, and of course Sofia met Max and Maggie for the first time! When we weren't visiting with friends/family, I enjoyed reading in the sun while Sofia took a daily 2-3 hour nap (who knew??) and we enjoyed "swimming" in the hot tub nearly every evening. The trip seemed to fly by and we look forward to our next venture to Grandma and Grandpa's and hope to see even more friends and family! Here are some pictures from our trip.
With Grandma Fryer (Sofia is obviously lossing the "hair growth competition" she's been in with Grandma!)

Now that's a dog!! Meeting Max for the first time.

Max and Maggie. Maggie finally stopped being scared of Sofia and showered her with kisses on her ears.

With Kris

In her new dress from Grandma
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