Well, time really flies! It's hard to believe Sofia is 6 months old today! She went for a check-up on Friday (for the ear infections last month) and weighs 18 lbs 15 oz! She doesn't have her official 6 month check-up (complete with shots) for another few weeks, so I'm not sure how long she is right now. She's a lot of fun and she's really liking her solids. So far she's eaten bananas (likes them a lot), butternut squash (her favorite), avocado (became a fan after the first few bites), carrots (not a huge fan, but likes them mixed with butternut squash), and rice cereal (eats it alright).
Sofia on her 6 month birthday in an exclusive "Grandma Fryer" collection outfit

Becoming friends with the monkeys

Earlier in the week, Sofia in another exclusive "Grandma Fryer" collection outfit

Everyone asked if Grandma Fryer could make adult sizes in this outfit!

With her new favorite - the exersaucer. The best $15 we've ever spent (thank you, Craig's List). Sofia plays while I cook or work in the kitchen
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