Friday, February 14, 2020

Olivia's Valentine's Party and Celebrating Love!

For the past few years the girls have enjoyed making and decorating sugar cookies that they then give to their friends and teachers. This week has been so busy that we finally got to making the dough on Wednesday. The dough has to stay in the refrigerator overnight and then we bake and decorate them the next day after school. I woke up Thursday morning remembering that our oven is broken! Our little tiny side oven that is barely useful for anything still works, so I figured we could bake them in that oven and just do twice as many baking rounds.

After school yesterday, I rolled out the dough and the girls had fun cutting out their Valentine's shapes and placing them on the tiny cookie sheet that fits into the small side oven. It took us a while, but it worked out just fine. The girls also enjoyed sneaking raw dough while they made cookies, of course. After the cookies were cooled, the girls had fun decorating them with colored frosting I made. I had just enough red food coloring to make one bowl, so we had one bowl of red, one of white and one of green, which was a little odd but would have to work for this Valentine's Day. They turned out to be really pretty and the girls always have fun decorating and trying to get creative. The next morning I packaged them up for Sofia's friends and Olivia's teachers.

Olivia's had spent the previous weekend making and decorating her Valentine's Box - a giraffe, of course. I found a good easy example on Pinterest (of course) and wrapped shoebox with white paper and then glued the giraffe's legs and neck onto the box. Olivia picked out paints that she wanted to use and did the entire painting job herself. She had fun decorating her new giraffe and then worked on the giraffe's head, which turned out to be really cute. The entire Valentine's box turned out to be really adorable and thanks to hot glue, it was super easy to make! Last year Sofia was really bummed that she didn't have a Valentine's box to make since there is no Valentine's party in 6th grade. This year, I figured she could go ahead and make one just for fun, but she had no interest. She does still love to pass out the cookies to her group of friends and also to a few of her favorite teachers. This year it was Ms. Bereuter and Mr. Spitsberg, her two absolute amazing teachers.

Today was Olivia's Valentine's Day party and she brought all of her Valentine's cards that each included a ring pop, to school with her to pass out to each of her classmates. I arrived just as her party was starting and couldn't believe how beautiful the room looked! We have a very creative and capable mom in our class who goes over the top with each party. It's very cool but also a little much for kids who probably don't even notice. Each of the kids had a personalized little mailbox that included candy and toys. The party included games in which the kids took turns moving candy from one bowl to another bowl using a straw and their breath. The kids were surprisingly good at this game. The other game included using a straw and shooting Q-tips into a bowl at the same time. The final game was a huge ball of saran wrap that had toys and candies wrapped in it. Each kiddo had time to unroll it for 30 seconds and then had to pass it on. It was really cute and the kids loved it.

After all the games, the kids enjoyed an ice cream sundae, which of course they gobbled down. After their sundaes, it was time to clean up and the kids headed out for Specials. They had fun and it was great to be there for Olivia's party.

That night, we decided to make a really nice dinner instead of going out to dinner and chose our usual steak, salad and cauliflower. One of our favorite recipes and also very easy. It was delicious and CK had given each of us a very thoughtful Valentine's card, as well as an absolutely beautiful bouquet of flowers! He's also so thoughtful and great at thoughtful gifts and expressing his feelings on paper. For dessert we had chocolate lava cakes and vanilla ice cream. We were stuffed! Such a fun Valentine's Day!!

Sofia cutting her Valentine's cookies

Valentine's cookie face!

The girls busy making cookies.

Arranging her cookies.

Working together....

Decorating their Valentine's cookies.


We wish we could eat them all!

Olivia's giraffe Valentine's box!

Love the giraffe face detail!

Valentine's Day and she is ready for her party!

Olivia's class mailboxes for each kiddo as well as the ice cream sundae goodies.


Each of the tables are absolutely adorable!

Sweet girl!

Valentine's glasses!

Valentine's selfie!

Olivia and her classmates having fun.

Valentine's boxes for Olivia's class - so creative and cute!


Moving candies from one bowl to the other....

Olivia and me!

The table set for our Valentine's meal.

The beautiful bouquet from CK!

Valentine's dinner is served.

Opening their Valentine's cards.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Rodeo!

Last night we went to the Rodeo at the Ft Worth Stock Show! We haven't been to the rodeo in a few years, and although it can be a long night, it is one of my favorite things to do during the year. This year, the old stadium was retired and a brand new Dickie's Arena has been built. Also in past years, we've been able to go with tickets of CK's banking colleague who not only gave us free front row parking and free rodeo tickets, but the tickets were literally right on the arena floor, front row! The seats were amazing and the arena was dirty, run down and felt like a true working cattle arena with dust and dirt everywhere and the smell of horses and cows. The Dickie's Arena will be used for concerts and other venues throughout the year, so we were interested to see what we thought of it.

CK asked his banking colleague about tickets this year, but he didn't have any to share. He said his bank has a limited number of tickets in the new arena and the seats aren't really that great. So, we ended up buying tickets on-line through a third party site. They were a little more than I thought we'd have to spend, especially since they were on the top-level. However, they were front row on that level, so the seats were really good. Next year, I will absolutely buy tickets through the Ft Worth Stock Show directly. The tickets were also for the second set of semi-finals for the finals the next evening. So, I figured they would be very good competitors too.

We originally planned to go into Ft. Worth and grab a burger somewhere, but as we thought about parking and getting to the arena, we decided instead to get to the arena early and see what food options they offer. There are a few nice restaurants/steak houses at the arena but they were all crowded and we weren't really into a huge fancy meal either. So, we decided to eat from one of the food kiosks. We parked very easily and walked up the stairs to the arena which is super fancy and felt more like Bass Hall than a rodeo arena. It is incredibly fancy and beautiful inside and out! It was very easy to have our tickets electronically scanned and then we headed upstairs to figure out where to eat. The girls decided on fried rice, which looked pretty good. CK and I had a late lunch, so neither of us were very hungry. Instead, CK got a bag of peanuts and we snacked. I tried the fried rice and it was decent. The girls finished it and then were dying to get a bag of cotton candy in their hands! They each bought a bag and cotton candy and enjoyed each bite.

We headed to our seats, which were really good. They were high above the arena, but the arena was laid out perfectly below us and we were directly over the cattle roping area. Plus, we were right on the front row, so we could see everything. The arena is gorgeous, but almost too nice for a rodeo. It didn't have that smell of animals and dirt, that was so prevalent at the old arena, but it really is a beautiful venue.

The rodeo started, as it has for over 100 years and the announcer was over-the-top with his praise of Texas and the Ft Worth Stock Show. The announcer introduced the six different flags that have flown over Texas and we had the pledge of allegiance followed by the TCU men's choir singing America the Beautiful. It was a proud American moment. Then, the various rodeo big-wigs rode in on their horses as he introduced them, including a man in his mid-90s, on horseback who has been part of the Ft. Worth Rodeo for over 50 years! It was very amazing! After they all rode into the arena and rode their figure eights, it was time for the rodeo to begin! With the big screen above the arena and the constant loud country and rock music, it felt a little more like a rock concert at times, but it was fun.

The bareback bronc riders were first, followed by the saddle bronc riders and then the steer wrestlers, calf tie down, team roping, ladies individual roping and then the Budweiser Clydesdales and their wagon of beer came out! It was so amazing how well trained the horses are and how the driver can coax them into turning the wagon completely around without moving forward at all. The horses performed beautifully and it was amazing to watch. Olivia took a few short videos of the Clydesdales working! After the Budweiser Clydesdales left, it was time for the wagon races, which always seems slightly out of control to me, but no one gets hurt. Then, it was barrel racing and finally, bull riding. The girls, especially Olivia were running out of steam about 8:15pm, but they both enjoyed it and were entertained throughout. The competitors were great, although only 2 guys stayed on their bulls for the full 8 seconds. I actually love the steer wrestlers and team roping best, followed by the barrel racers, but the bull riding is crazy and fun to watch and the best way to end the night. By the end of the bull riders, both girls were tired and ready to go to bed, but had a really fun evening. It was so much fun and I love dressing up in our cowboy boots and jeans and watching some true cowboys perform!

We headed down the hall and then down the stairs and were outside in no time. Even though the arena was nearly full, it was so easy to get out and make our way to the car. Then, once we were in CK's truck, we were headed home without a minute of traffic. It was pretty amazing! Such a fun night and totally worth it!

The new-and-improved Dickie's Arena!

The girls are excited for the rodeo.

Dickie's Arena!

The arena - laid out below us!

The four of us in our seats.

The Pledge of Allegiance.

The rodeo entrance!

The bronc riders.

The amazing and very impressive Budweiser Clydesdale team!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Olivia at 81/2 Years Old!

Olivia is halfway to 9 years old, which is crazy! She is a fun-loving, very thoughtful girl who can be either very silly and outgoing or very shy, depending on how she is feeling and the circumstances. She seems to be growing up so quickly and is now wearing size 10/12, even though she isn't even 9 years old! She is so tall for her age, so the size is mainly for the length. She loves her shoes and likes to wear certain shoes with her outfits when she isn't in her tennis shoes for school. She really loves school, seeing her friends, playing with them at recess and really loves having playdates. She is a very good student and takes her studies very seriously. Both of her teachers, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Seifried adore her and love her attitude and love of learning. They have both told me that they wish all of their students could be like Olivia, since she is so easy to teach and such a joy to have as a student. Such a sweet and glowing commentary of our sweet girl!

Olivia loves to read, and she and her friend Marisa enjoy reading the same books and discussing them, although Marisa reads a lot faster than Olivia and sometimes shares the plot with her, which is very frustrating to her. Olivia enjoys writing stories like her sister. She also loves to play make-believe with Sofia and they spend hours sitting or jumping on the trampoline making up stories and playing together. They get along very well, for the most part. Olivia and I have loved watching The Great Pottery Throwdown together. It is a British show that focuses on a pottery challenge between 12 regular potters. It has been so much fun to watch, and we are both sad that there were only 3 seasons made. She also loves watching My Little Pony and other shows with Sofia.

Olivia loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, sliced cucumbers, macaroni and cheese, goats cheese on crackers, hamburgers with lettuce and ketchup and vanilla yogurt. She is a fairly adventurous eater, although I do wish she liked salmon and shrimp. Instead, I always have to buy her a small portion of cod. I'm not sure why she doesn't like salmon, but we eat it weekly, so I'm hoping she changes her mind. She does enjoy salad as well as all the veggies I make for dinner, which is good. Olivia loves oranges and apples too.

Even though she is halfway to 9 years old, Olivia always reaches for my hand when we are walking together or while we are reading together or watching a show. She still loves to rub my belly (and my back), especially just before she goes to bed. I asked her if she ever misses sucking her thumb and she said "Yes, sometimes." She said she misses sucking her thumb when she's hurt or tired and sometimes when she wakes up in the morning she sort of wants to suck her thumb. When I would wake her up in the morning for school, I would find her sucking her thumb maybe once every six weeks or so, but it's been a long time since that's happened, so I think she is completely done sucking her thumb. When I would tell her that I found her sucking her thumb, she didn't believe me and would get mad. So, I stopped telling her. I love that she is so thoughtful about her thumb and the comfort she used to get from it.

We can't wait to watch Olivia continue to grow up and see where her interests lead her as she continues to grow.

Olivia's list of bed time lovies and the rotation she has in place so they each get to sleep with Olivia equally! Only Giraffey gets to sleep each night with Olivia.

A makeshift picnic with Antonio.

Sweet girl.

Olivia and her best friend Hannah.

Sassy girl in her favorite pjs.

She loves reading and writing her own story, just like her sister.

Silly faces - she loves making crazy faces.

Her 3rd grade photo! She has a little case of 80s hair...She left that morning with her hair up in a cute bun, but she decided to take it down before her photo.

Playing with one of her stuffed animals, Ida.

Selfie time after I voted.

With her cousin and best buddy, Jillian.

Silly girl.

With her best friend, Hannah.

Olivia with her soccer team and coach Doug.

One of my favorite photos - love that laugh!

Having a tea and book reading party with her sister.

Dressing up and clowning around with Sofia.


Taking a short nap after a fun day on the lake.

Just one of the selfies I found on my phone...

Sweet girl!